

2012 Lexus LFA N?rburgring Edition Start Up, Exhaust, and In Depth Review



2012 Lexus LFA N?rburgring Edition Start Up, Exhaust, and In Depth Review

Thank you all for the continuted support and taking part of something I truly enjoy! Right now I'm in the midst of my last year of Pharmacy School, and will graduate with my doctorate in pharmacy in 2013! I'll be o!
n clinical rotations from now till next April and this is a great way for me to enjoy my hobbies and share my love for cars with the world! Thanks again for all of the support and I hope everyone continues to enjoy the videos!!

Hello and welcome to Saabkyle04! YouTube's largest collection of automotive variety! In today's very special 100,000 subscriber special, I present the 2012 Lexus LFA N?rburgring Edition.

While initially the LFA was only able to be leased, with the 2012 model, they are available for purchase.

Base price starts around $375,000
The N?rburgring takes it up a notch to a starting price of around $445,000

During this presentation, we will take a 1st person look at what the vehicle is all about beginning with the start up, performance data, fuel economy, the occasional track data, and build quality. Also, I will teach you how to use most of the interior and exterior features in a detailed fashion, that before!
, you could only get from going to a dealership yourself! Thro!
ughout the video, I will highlight key styling and unique differences about the vehicle, any available options, and of course it would not be an enthusiast car video without the good ole engine portion with rev and exhaust note with interior and exterior perspectives. A thorough tour/review of this car designed to give others a greater overall appreciation of the vehicle.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE CHANNEL SEE BELOW: In this channel you will find in depth educational videos of automobiles from all over the world, presented in a more detailed fashion than ever before. Basically, this gives the viewer the chance to view the most detailed 1st person look you can get without going to an actual dealer yourself! Every video is consistent in the way I present so viewers know what to expect in my presentations. I treat every vehicle with the same respect whether a 1960 Chevrolet Impala SS or the 2012 Lamborghini Aventador. I film all types of vehicles from past, pres!
ent, and future while broadening the knowledge of the automotive enthusiast. You will see everything from vintage, brand new, exotic, mainstream, old, etc. I am very proud of this channel and have built it up from amateur videos years ago to what you see today. I wanted to share my love for the automotive world with the rest of the world. Be sure to explore the massive video variety, have fun and enjoy The Driver's Seat of YouTube!

FIND ME ON THE OFFICIAL SAABKYLE04 FACEBOOK PAGE FOR CONTINUOUS UPDATES ON WHAT'S TO COME AND INTERACTING WITH OTHER FANS! http://www.facebook.com/pages/saabkyle04/315743567772・・・続きはこちら⇒2012 Lexus LFA N?rburgring Edition Start Up, Exhaust, and In Depth Review

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